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It is prepared with natural and fresh ingredients in 100% pure & natural ajwain honey.

Bharat’s Nusqa-e-Arabia is a blend of Garlic, Ginger, lemon, Apple cider vinegar and natural honey.

Nusqa-e- Arabia ingredients:

Nusqa e arabia ingredients

  1. GARLIC: We use well-matured peeled garlic and extract the juice using a stainless-steel juice extractor. This careful handling gives us the best quality fresh garlic juice, which supposedly has a good Allicin percentage.

  2. GINGER: Ginger has an active ingredient called gingerol. We select the cultivar which has good gingerol content. Most importantly, we use a stainless double screw juice extractor for juice extraction.

  3. LEMON: We choose full-size good quality lemon. After washing it thoroughly, we extract the juice without crushing the seeds and lemon peel. ​

  4. APPLE CIDER VINEGAR: Apple cider vinegar is also a critical ingredient in this formulation (most of the cheap vinegar has added acetic acid). We use 100% natural fruit vinegar to have maximum benefits.

  5. NATURAL HONEY: We use 100% Pure, raw Ajwain honey. We procure highly beneficial Ajwain honey, especially for the preparation of this remedy.

Though RAW AJWAIN honey is difficult to procure, our three decades of experience and network help us procure real Ajwain honey.